Main contact information
King County Sheriff’s Office
516 Third Avenue , Room W-116
Seattle, WA 98104-2312
9-1-1 in case of police, fire or medical emergencies
(206) 296-3311 if you need an officer to respond or to report a non-emergency
(206) 296-4155 if you have general questions (M-F 8:30a to 4:30p)
Email: - This email is NOT monitored 24/7
Use this email if:
You have specific questions you want answered
You would like to make a general comment
You have a suggestion or concern for a specific section or unit
Do NOT use this email:
To actually report a crime or incidents related to a crime. Call 9-1-1 or the non emergency number (206) 296-3311
If you have a problem that is time sensitive.
To request records (go to this link instead)