Teen Health Clinics
Public Health Teen Clinics are safe, friendly, confidential places for teens to get the sexual and reproductive health support that they need and learn the facts.
- Information on sexual health
- Birth control methods
- Free condoms
- Pill, patch, ring, IUD (Intrauterine device), implant and more
- Emergency contraception (Plan B, Ella, or copper IUD)
- STI and HIV services
- PrEP for HIV prevention
- Testing and treatment for STIs (sexually transmitted infections) and HIV (human immunodeficiency virus)
- Pregnancy testing
- In-clinic pregnancy testing
- Neutral options counseling for pregnancy support, adoption or abortion services
Who we serve
Our Teen Clinics serve:
- Teens who are 20 years old and under.
- Straight, gay, lesbian, bi, trans, queer, and questioning teens. We do not judge you based on who you have sex with.
- All people including people of any race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, ability to pay and immigration status.
What to expect
We provide safe, friendly, confidential places for teens to learn the facts and get the sexual and reproductive health support they need.
- All services at Public Health Teen Clinics are free or low cost.
- No insurance nor proof of Washington state residence is needed.
- All Teen Clinic locations offer language support services.
Is my visit confidential?
In Washington state, birth control and pregnancy testing are confidential. This means that you don't need written permission from your parent or guardian to get services like birth control or pregnancy tests. It also means we will not tell anyone about your visit unless you ask us to.
For STI testing and treatment, teens who are 14 and older may access services without getting permission from a parent or guardian. We will not tell anyone about your visit unless you ask us to.
We always encourage teens to talk with a parent or trusted adult about their care with us. However, it is ultimately the teen's decision who to involve.
If you have questions, please drop by or give us a call.
¿Es mi visita confidencial?
En el estado de Washington, todos los servicios de cuidado de salud que se ofrecen en las clínicas de salud sexual y reproductiva son confidenciales. Esto significa que usted no necesita un permiso escrito de sus padres o tutores para recibir servicios tales como métodos anticonceptivos, exámenes anuales, pruebas de enfermedades transmitidas sexualmente y pruebas de embarazo. También significa que no le brindaremos información a nadie sobre su visita a menos que usted nos pida hacerlo.
Para las pruebas y el tratamiento de las ETS, los adolescentes mayores de 14 años pueden acceder a los servicios sin obtener el permiso de un padre o tutor. No le diremos a nadie sobre su visita a menos que usted nos lo solicite.
Siempre les pedimos a los adolescentes que hablen con sus padres o con una persona adulta de confianza acerca de su cuidado con nosotros. Sin embargo, es finalmente el adolescente quien decide a que persona desea involucrar.
All services at Public Health Teen Clinics are free or low cost and do not require insurance nor proof of Washington state residence.
Assistance is available if you're interested in getting insurance to help cover health care costs. For example:
- Free and confidential sexual and reproductive health insurance
- Free or reduced-cost coverage for essential health services and preventative care
For more information and questions
- Call one of our clinics on this page or drop by during walk-in hours.
- Follow us on Instagram @kcteenclinic! Check our stories for virtual clinic tours and send us a DM (direct message) with questions about Teen Clinic services.