Plan history and archive
Included below are links to recent and past Comprehensive Plans – from the most recent plan to plans adopted nearly 50 years ago that established a framework that continues to guide County planning today.
2022: Annual Amendment to 2016 Plan
On December 6, 2022, the King County Council adopted Ordinance 19555, amending the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. Highlights of the 2022 Annual Update include:
- Adoption of the Skyway-West Hill Community Service Area Subarea Plan and associated code, land use designation, and zoning classification changes.
- Adoption of the North Highline Community Service Area Subarea Plan and associated code, land use designation, and zoning classification changes.
- Code amendments adopting an Inclusionary Housing program for Skyway-West Hill and North Highline.
2020: VISION 2050 Adopted
The Puget Sound Regional Council adopted VISION 2050, in October 2020. The new plan is based on the previous plan (see 2008: VISION 2040 Adopted in a link below) but has been updated to address a variety of areas. VISION 2050:
- Retains the same core emphasis on a strong economy, healthy environment, preserving farms and forests, and supporting growth within the urban growth area and centers.
- Retains the same plan structure as VISION 2040, with a numeric Regional Growth Strategy, multicounty planning policies, and actions.
- Identifies new regional outcomes and a vision statement for the region.
- Addresses equity and health in policies and actions throughout the plan.
- Supports implementation of recent plans and initiatives, like the Regional Transportation Plan, the Regional Economic Strategy, the Regional Open Space Conservation Plan, the Regional Centers Framework, and Growing Transit Communities.
Focus areas in VISION 2050 include the following:
- Providing opportunities for all. The plan addresses current and past inequities, particularly among communities of color, people with low-incomes, and historically underserved communities.
- Increasing housing choices and affordability. The plan identifies coordinated strategies, policies, and actions to expand housing options and create greater affordability.
- Sustaining a strong economy. The plan encourages more dispersed job growth, especially in Snohomish, Pierce, and Kitsap counties, to provide greater access to employment and better balance of jobs and housing.
- Significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The plan outlines how state, regional and local partners can act in coordination to reduce emissions in the region and prepare for climate impacts.
- Keeping the region moving. The plan lays out a foundation for completing regional transportation investments and future work to strengthen connections to and between the region’s centers. The plan prioritizes transportation funding investments that support regional growth centers and manufacturing/industrial centers.
- Restoring the health of the Puget Sound. The plan establishes a coordinated approach to watershed planning to restore the health of Puget Sound.
- Protecting a network of open space. The plan calls for the protection and enhancement of natural areas through regional, collaborative approaches that leverage local, county, and stakeholder actions.
- Growing in centers and near transit. The plan supports planning for vibrant, attractive neighborhoods with access to jobs, schools, and services.
- Acting collaboratively and support local efforts. The plan calls for coordinated planning between cities, counties, agencies, tribes, and military installations.
2020: Midpoint Amendment to 2016 Plan
On July 24, 2020, the King County Council adopted Ordinance 19146, amending the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. Some highlights of the 2020 limited-scope midpoint update are noted below.
- Adopted Sea Level Rise regulations for marine shoreline areas
- Adopted Fossil Fuel and Fossil Fuel Facility regulations
- Amended the Transfer of Development Rights area to address equity issues
- Amended development regulations related to Accessory Dwelling Units and Cottage Housing to promote their use
- Restructured the Subarea Planning Program to expand the scope and focus on community identified needs
- Established standard land use and zoning for the Bear Creek urban planned development
- Adopted a suite of map amendments including minor adjustments to the urban growth area and agricultural production district boundary
2019/2020: Shoreline Master Program Updates to 2016 Comp Plan
Ordinance 19034 adopted King County's Shoreline Master Program. This ordinance included a set of changes to the Shorelines chapter in the Comprehensive Plan. Highlights include the following:
- Updating polices and text to reflect current information and changes in state law.
- Updating aquaculture policies, including new policies for finfish, net pen, and geoduck aquaculture.
- A suite of amendments made to the zoning code to effectuate the policies and other changes in state statutes and rules.
These amendments were adopted by the County Council in December 2019, approved by the Washington State Department of Ecology at the end of January 2020, and became effective February 2020. Read the 2019/2020 Plan.
2018: Annual Amendment to 2016 Plan
Highlights of 2018 Update to King County Comprehensive Plan
On October 29, 2018, the King County Council adopted Ordinance 18810, amending the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. This follows and builds on adoption of Motion 15142, the Restructure Plan for the Subarea Planning Program, on May 9, 2018. Highlights of the 2018 Update are summarized below.
- Eight‑Year Update Cycle. Shifts major review from four‑year to eight‑year cycle. Dates for eight‑year cycle aligned with Growth Management Act timelines.
- Four‑Year Midpoint Cycle. Revises the formerly unused midpoint update to create a new four‑year midpoint cycle. Midpoints allow substantive policy changes and amendments to the urban growth area boundary, but no longer require review of the entire plan on a four year basis. The intent of these updates is to be limited in scope. The legislation also directs a 2020 Midpoint update.
- Annual Cycle.Revision to allow adoption of: (a) CSA subarea plans, (b) updates to improve alignment with the state and regional planning, and (c) workplan changes as part of the 2018 subarea planning restructure.
- Land Use Process. Leaves other land use planning process – Zone Reclassification, Docket Process, Area Zoning and Land Use Studies – relatively unchanged except for changes to deadlines to align with new Comprehensive Plan deadlines.
- Subarea Planning. Budget proposal to add two new Subarea Planners (for a total of three). Defines a standard approach and process for developing plans. The scope and content is to be primarily focused on land use issues. Schedule to include six rural area and five urban area geographies; adding these geographies extends the development and adoption dates for some subarea plans.
- Definitions. Adds or revises a definition for Area Zoning and Land Use Study, Public Review Draft, Subarea Study, and Subarea Plan.
- Public Review Draft. Requires a Public Review Draft be published for each Comprehensive Plan amendment.
2017: Annual Amendment to 2016 Plan
On December 4, 2017, the King County Council adopted Ordinance 18623, which amended the 2016 Comprehensive Plan to adopt the Vashon Maury Island Community Service Area Subarea Plan and associated code, land use designation, and zoning classification changes.
2016: Fifth Significant Revision of the Plan
King County completed the fifth four-year cycle amendment with adoption of the 2016 update. Adopted by Ordinances 18427, some highlights of the amendments include:
- A minor contraction of the Urban Growth Area.
- A minor increase in the size of the Agricultural Production District through some land use actions.
- Stronger protection of the Forest Production District through some policy changes.
- Stronger and more specific language about how consideration of Equity and Social Justice will shape County actions.
- Stronger commitments to Climate Action, with new policies on environmental and climate justice, more specific references to our efforts to reduce County greenhouse gas emissions and a commitment to become a carbon neutral government.
- Consolidation and refinement of policies related to Housing and Human Services into a new chapter.
- Launching a new Subarea Planning Program for each of the Community Service Areas with the Department of Permitting and Environmental Review.
- Grammatical and design changes to create a more transparent, modernized and consistent document with an Implementation Workplan, Executive Summary and new design.
The 2016 update included a strong public involvement program with community meetings, e-Newsletters, a larger email list, consistent updates to the website, and a public comment period that was open for the duration of the update process.
2015-2013: Annual Amendments to 2012 Plan
On an annual basis, the 2012 Plan was updated with technical changes that did not require substantive policy changes or alterations to the Urban Growth Area boundary.
- 2015 – No amendments.
- 2014 – Ordinance 17842 to allow recreational marijuana in the Vashon Rural Town Plan, to allow the Rainier Ridge Four to One Project, and to integrate the updated King County Strategic Plan.
- 2013 – Ordinance 17687 included minor technical changes to comply with Growth Management Hearings Board case 13-3-0002 (City of Snoqualmie v. King County).
2012: Fourth Significant Revision of the Plan
King County completed the fourth four-year cycle amendment with adoption of the 2012 update. Adopted by Ordinance 17485, some highlights of the amendments include:
- Integrated the King County Strategic Plan into the Plan with a new Guiding Principle to promote the linkage.
- Promoting public health and healthy communities.
- New policies and development regulations to implement the School Siting Task force recommendations.
- Alignment with the County's Road and Transit Functional Plans.
- Reinvigorating the role of annexations in achieving and ensuring the efficient provision of urban services.
- Significant revisions to affordable housing policies to bring greater clarity and emphasis on the role the county and the cities have in providing access to housing for all the county's residents.
- Better defined policies and text regarding designating species and habitat of local importance
- Acknowledging the role of the Strategic Climate Action Plan.
- Changes to the King County Shoreline Master Program required by the state Department of Ecology.
- Alignment with the 2010 King County Open Space Plan.
2012: Countywide Planning Policies Updated
The Countywide Planning Policies (CPPs) are a series of policies that address growth management issues across the entirety of King County; these are developed by the Growth Management Planning Council (see description under 1990, below).
The 2012 CPPs were prepared to address changes to the Growth Management Act, to take into account the passage of 20 years since their initial adoption, and to specifically reflect the regional direction established in VISION 2040 (see description under 2008, below). The 2012 CPPs provided direction at the county and jurisdiction level with appropriate specificity and detail needed to guide consistent and useable local comprehensive plans and regulations. While VISION 2040 was consistent with the overall growth management strategy of the 1992 King County CPPs, restructuring the 1992 document into the six chapters of Environment, Development Patterns, Housing, Economy, Transportation, and Public Facilities and Services was done to match the structure of VISION 2040.
2011-2009: Annual Amendments to 2008 Plan
On an annual basis, the 2008 Plan was updated with technical changes that did not require substantive policy changes or alterations to the Urban Growth Area boundary.
- 2011 – No amendments this year.
- 2010 – Ordinance 16949 with amendments to technical appendices, and work program direction relating to aquatic habitat restoration in an agricultural production district.
- 2010 – Ordinance 16985 concluded a year-long review and first major update to the County's Shoreline Master Plan ("SMP") in over 30 years. The Shoreline Master Plan is comprised of both policies and regulations to guide development within the County's shoreline jurisdiction and set policy to protect the ecological functions within the shoreline while allowing reasonable and necessary use of the shorelines to support the region's economy and provide recreational opportunities. The Shoreline Master Plan was added as chapter 5 to the Plan.
- 2010 – Ordinance 16919 approving an amendment to the Grand Ridge Joint Agreement to authorize a Four-to-One project.
2008: VISION 2040 Adopted
After more than a decade of planning under VISION 2020 (described below), the Puget Sound Regional Council adopted VISION 2040, a four-county regional growth, economic and transportation strategy. VISION 2040 contains updated multicounty planning policies and, for the first time, a numeric regional growth strategy. VISION 2040’s Regional Growth Strategy outlines how the four-county Puget Sound region should plan for additional population and employment growth. The Regional Growth Strategy supports all jurisdictions having a role in accommodating growth, using sustainable and environmentally responsible development practices.
VISION 2040 polices and growth strategy established a common region-wide framework that ensures consistency among county and city comprehensive plans adopted pursuant to RCW 36.70A.070, and county-wide planning policies adopted pursuant to RCW 36.70A.210 (Washington Administrative Code, 365-196-305).
2008: Third Significant Revision of the Plan
King County completed the third four-year cycle amendment with adoption of the 2008 update. Adopted by Ordinance 16263, some highlights of the amendments include:
- Provided incentives for farmers, and promoted partnerships with local farmers' markets.
- To focus growth in urban areas, provided greater incentives in the Transfer of Development Rights program, and revised the transportation concurrency model to permit more housing units per development where there are the roads, sewers and other infrastructure and services.
- Simplified the concurrency system with a more transparent model and growth map.
- Encouraged sustainable development and low impact development in all county construction projects.
- Updated the County's greenhouse gas emissions inventory and called for King County to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 percent of 2007 levels by the year 2050. Also, included climate change in future disaster preparedness, levee investment and land use plans
- Supported a regional trails system that links corridors to form a countywide network.
- Inclusion of Equity and Social Justice Initiative principles.
- Introduced three new framework policies: health, equity, social and environmental justice; climate change; and measurement and monitoring.
2007-2005: Annual Amendments to 2004 Plan
On an annual basis, the 2004 Plan was updated with technical changes that did not require substantive policy changes or alterations to the Urban Growth Area boundary.
- 2007 – Ordinance 15772 Juanita Firs Subarea Plan
- 2006 – Ordinance 15607 and Ordinance 15606 included amendments to development codes and policies, updated the Transportation Needs Report and the Regional Trails Needs Report, and changed a few arterial classifications.
- 2005 – Ordinance 15244 an Annual Update with policy changes and directing subarea planning
- 2005 – Ordinance 15326 in compliance with Growth Management Hearings Board case 04-3-0024 (Keesling)
2004 - Second Significant Revision of Plan
King County completed the second four-year cycle amendment with adoption of the 2004 update. Adopted by Ordinance 15028, some highlights of the amendments include:
- Clarified the County's support for annexations and incorporations of the urban unincorporated areas to provide more predictability for cities and for residents of those areas.
- Required a life-cycle cost/benefit analysis of sustainable development projects.
- Clarified the County's role in managing the regional trail system, and acknowledged the roles in cultural affairs.
- Prioritized the spending of limited transportation dollars in the urban unincorporated area, and promoted an innovation to address mobility needs of persons with disabilities.
- Clarified the importance of clean air to the health of all citizens, and the need to focus on such critical issues as greenhouse gases.
The 2004 Plan confirmed the adequacy of development capacity within the existing Urban Growth Area to accommodate adopted growth targets.
2001-2003: Annual Amendments
On an annual basis, the 2000 Plan was updated with technical changes that did not require substantive policy changes.
- 2003 – Ordinance 14775 included minor policy changes to reflect changes in endangered species listings; amendments to properties (Tanner Mill) within the North Bend Urban Growth Area.
- 2002 – Ordinance 14448 revised references to Regionally or Locally Significant Resource Areas as a criteria for placing R1; revised mining site designation criteria; amendments to implement the Snoqualmie Urban Growth Area Subarea Plan; corrected minor mapping errors; and allowed kennels and catteries as a home occupation in the Agriculture zone on lots that are five acres or more.
- 2002 - Ordinance 14391 supporting the GMPC motion recommending resolution of the Snoqualmie Joint Planning Area and supporting the Snoqualmie Preservation Initiative
- 2002 – Ordinance 14286 in compliance with Growth Management Hearings Board case 01-3-0008c (Forster Woods)
- 2001 – Ordinance 14241 amended land uses and development conditions related to one property (Marshall/Oatfield property) to require compliance with the Four to One program.
- 2001 – Ordinance 14185 in compliance with Growth Management Hearings Board case 98-3-0008c (Green Valley)
- 2001 – Ordinance 14156 in compliance with Growth Management Hearings Board case 96-3-0022c (Buckles)
- 2001 - Ordinance 14117 Adopting Snoqualmie UGA Subarea Plan
- 2000 – Ordinance 13987 in compliance with Growth Management Hearings Board case 95-3-0008 (Vashon-Maury Island)
- 2000 - Ordinance 13875 Adopting Fall City Subarea Plan
2000: Four-Year Cycle process begins, First Significant Revision of Plan
The year 2000 marked the first quadrennial review and significant revision of the Plan since 1994 . Adopted by Ordinance 14044 and Ordinance 13962, the major goals for the 2000 Plan were to improve its usability, eliminate inconsistencies, and improve public understanding of growth management issues. The 2000 Plan also acknowledged King County's changing role as a regional government with significant responsibilities as a local service provider to the rural area; the need to effectively integrate land use and transportation planning; and amendment to protect Chinook salmon in accordance with the Endangered Species Act.
1999-95: Annual Amendments to 1994 Plan
Starting in 1998, annual amendments were limited to technical policy changes and not allow changes to the urban growth area boundary except for Four to One projects. Annual amendments are made through the following actions:
- 1999 – Ordinance 13672 amended the RA-2.5 density policy; disallowed annexation of parcels in the Agricultural Production District; processed a Four to One proposal; and made other technical changes.
- 1998 - Ordinance 13147 Revamp of Title 20 and creation of the four-year major update cycle
- 1998 – Ordinance 13273 established a review process that limited annual updates to "technical' amendments" and reserved substantive policy issues to be addressed once every four years to allow for cumulative analysis of Plan amendments, consistent with GMA. Once every four years thereafter, major changes to the plan's language and changes to the Urban Growth Area boundary could be considered.
Prior to changes in 1998, Annual Cycle changes were not limited to technical amendments and therefore many of the updates included a substantial number of changes. Given the number of changes, they are not summarized below but can be viewed in the attached documents.
- 1997 - Ordinance 12824 to finalize the Zoning Code Conversion under the GMA.
- 1997 - Ordinance 12927 - 1997 Plan Amendments with a variety of policy and land use changes.
- 1996 - Ordinance 12170 to comply with Growth Management Hearings Board case 95-3-0008 (Vashon Maury Island, et al, v. King County)
- 1996 - Ordinance 12531 with a variety of policy and land use changes.
- 1996 - Ordinance 12536 adopting the 1997 Transportation Needs Report.
- 1996 - Ordinance 12535 adopting the City of North Bend urban growth area boundary, land use and zoning.
- 1996 - Ordinance12534 adopting the Black Diamond urban growth area agreement.
- 1996 - Ordinance12533 adopting the Black Diamond urban growth area boundary.
- 1996 - Ordinance 12532 amendments to capital facilities plan
- 1996 - Ordinance 12501 in compliance with Growth Management Hearings Board case 96-3-0013 (Copac-Preston Mill, Inc.,)
- 1996 - Ordinance 12395 adopting the Vashon Town Plan.
- 1995 - Ordinance 12081 amending Renton Joint Planning Area UGA boundary
- 1995 - Ordinance 12065 related to Black Diamond UGA changes.
- 1995 - Ordinance 12061 with a variety of policy and land use changes.
- 1995 - Ordinance 12051 amendments reorganizing the County's planning departmental structure.
- 1995 - Ordinance 12063 amendments to Capital Facilities Plan
- 1995 - Ordinance 11653amendments to West Hill Community Plan zoning
- 1994 - Ordinance 11620 revamp of Title 20 to comply with GMA
- 1994 - Ordinance 11593 UGA Joint Planning Areas defined
- 1994 - Ordinance 11568 adoption of White Center Community Plan (and amendments to Highline Community Plan)
- 1994 - Ordinance 11446 updated UGA Map - GMPC Phase II CPPs
1995: VISION 2020 Updated
Following adoption of Countywide Policies in each county, the regional plan is updated in 1995 to include multicounty planning policies, pursuant to RCW 36.70A.210 (Washington Administrative Code, 365-196-305). VISION 2020 also establishes, for the first time, a system of designated regional centers intended to accommodate growth and focus high-capacity transit investments.
1994: Comprehensive Plan Updated for Compliance with GMA
With the ratification of the Countywide Planning Policies in 1992 (described below), the County proceeded to adopt its first comprehensive plan under the auspices of the GMA (Ordinance 11575). The 1985 Plan was expanded to meet all GMA requirements and contained policies related to urban and rural land use, economic development, housing, resource lands, natural environment and critical habitats, facilities and services, transportation, and parks, recreation and open space. Special designations were made to include agricultural production districts for the protection of farming areas; provisions for housing on larger lots in the rural area; establishment of forest production districts for the continuation of large-scale forestry activities; and designation of open space areas for protection of the natural environment. King County was the first jurisdiction in Washington State to adopt a GMA comprehensive plan.
In early 1995 the County adopted development regulations necessary to implement the Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance 11653). By definition, development regulations include zoning ordinances, critical areas ordinances, shoreline master programs, official controls, planned unit development ordinances, subdivision ordinances, and binding site plan ordinances that control the development or land use of a property.
1992: Countywide Planning Policies Adopted
In response to the passage of the GMA, King County and cities within its boundaries formed a collaborative inter-jurisdictional body, the Growth Management Planning Council, to develop the King County Countywide Planning Policies to meet the GMA requirements to coordinate planning among all of its jurisdictions. These policies (Ordinance 10450 in 1992 and Ordinance 11446 in 1994), serve as a countywide framework for County and City comprehensive plans, and provide guidance to Functional and Special District Plans. The Countywide Planning Policies established an urban growth area within the western one-third of King County where most growth and development was projected to occur. The policies and goals included reducing urban sprawl, protecting rural areas, and more efficiently providing roads, parks and other services.
1990: Growth Management Act Enacted / VISION 2020 Adopted
The Washington State Legislature passed the Growth Management Act (GMA) as a way to address "uncoordinated and unplanned development, together with a lack of common goals expressing the public's interest in the conservation and the wise use of our lands, pose a threat to the environment, sustainable economic development, and the health, safety, and high quality of life..." The GMA directed the state's most populous and fastest growing counties and their cities to prepare comprehensive land use plans that anticipate and manage growth for a 20-year horizon.
In anticipation of, but prior to the passage of the GMA, the four-county central Puget Sound region formed a new regional and transportation agency – the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC). In 1990, PSRC adopted VISION 2020, a four-county growth strategy addressing where and how Central Puget Sound will grow and meet the transportation, economic and housing needs of those living and working in this region. Those strategies, consistent with the goals of the GMA, envisioned that growth to be concentrated into urban areas, thus protecting the rural and resource lands from the effects of sprawl and unchecked development.
1985: First Major Update to 1964 Comprehensive Plan
Twenty years after the first plan was adopted, as rapid growth threatens forests, farmlands and open spaces, and the costs of housing, energy, and police and fire protection soar, the County began the process of creating a new Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance 07178) .
Preserving King County's natural beauty, and ensuring affordable housing and diverse living environments, remains fundamental considerations in the Plan. The new Plan creates stronger linkages to the Community and Functional plans, and seeks to address the need to coordinate development concurrent with public improvements.
The 1985 Comprehensive Plan identifies an "urban growth boundary line." This line encourages growth to areas with an existing infrastructure for facilities and services; it protects critical habitats, open spaces and natural resource lands; and it states that rural areas remain largely intact through a slower the rate of growth. The Plan also guides cities, service districts and the private sector in working together to manage growth responsibly.
History Link Article.
1984: General Development Guide – Technical Appendix
Following multiple years of study, the County prepared to adopt the 1985 Comprehensive Plan. The County released a Technical Appendix that included the outreach, analysis, and policy development studies that ultimately resulted in the adoption of the 1985 Comprehensive Plan.
1964: The King County Comprehensive Plan
Concerned residents prompt King County to draft the first Comprehensive Plan. One goal is to better connect individual zoning and land use decisions to broader community goals through the comprehensive planning process (Ordinance 00263). In 1978, Ordinance 03669is adopted to create better linkages between zoning change, subarea planning and the Comprehensive Plan and to have the County engage with residents to develop "Community Plans" for smaller subareas. Also in 1978, the County embarks on a study of its planning policies with the intent of revising the 1964 plan.
History Link Article.
1958: King County Comprehensive Plan
In response to a superior court rule requiring that the plan and zoning be filed with the County auditor, the County enacts a comprehensive zoning plan. This formalized the adoption of the plans that had been developed in the 1950s.
History Link Article.
Historical Land Use Information Pages
Archives - Building, Property, and Land Use Records
The King County Archives maintains historical information on aspects of the built environment, such as residences and other structures, businesses and farms, transportation routes and systems, utilities, managed waterways, and recreational sites. Record types include maps and drawings, photographs, and textual records. Click here.
County Council - Older Ordinances Records
The King County Council maintains a record of older Ordinances. Click here.
Comp. Plan Environmental Review Page
To view the environmental review for past Comprehensive Plan updates, click here.
Planning for the Future
2015 marked the 25th anniversary of the passage of the Growth Management Act and over 50 years since adoption of the first King County Comprehensive Plan. The adoption of the current Comprehensive Plan marks yet another step of King County’s ongoing success at balancing economic vitality and healthy neighborhoods with careful stewardship of our farms, forests, and open spaces. The County's long history of planning has been successful, by most measures, in realizing the broad goals of the Growth Management Act.
Working with residents, businesses, non-profits and community groups, the Comprehensive Plan continues to try to ensure that that our region manages growth effectively, protects thriving rural and resource lands, and remains in compliance with the Growth Management Act.
More History on King County’s Comprehensive Plan
The organization HistoryLink has a number of informative articles regarding planning in King County:
- King County Council approves Growth Management Act Comprehensive Plan on November 18, 1994
- King County sets urban-growth boundary on July 6, 1992
- King County adopts a comprehensive zoning plan on August 11, 1958